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My First Blog! Whoa!!

This is new for me…writing about me or what I like. I keep saying, “a blog, me?!” Needless to say, I’ve struggled and spent many hours trying to figure out what I think may be of some interest to other people. So weird.

Well, I came across a quote from Bill Gates “If you want to be more successful, double your failure rate. Fail 80% of the time”! Wow! Lightbulb moment!

In a funny sort of way, this gives me permission to just write and makes me less nervous about it. I (we) can’t succeed without trying. Right? Just do it and fail. If I (we) fail, try again but learn from the experience. Trying one thing can lead to unknown successes. How exciting that is when I think about it that way. So, Bill Gates is saying to me that lots of very successful (however you define success) people have lots of failures but keep doing. Failing is all part of succeeding.

How do you like that? I actually wrote about something and if this fails, I’ll try again until I’m successful…or die trying.

Taylor Brock